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5G future of internet and technology



Developer of 5G: 

Until now, no company or person owns 5G, but several companies within the mobile ecosystem donate to bringing 5G to life. Qualcomm has played a significant role in inventing the many foundational technologies that drive the industry to advance and make up 5G, the next Wi-Fi standard.

Need 5G Network:

  With 5G, networks will be denser, which means they can hold up more users and attached devices.

Evolution of FiveG Network:

South Korea became the first country to develop a 5G (the fifth generation mobile wireless standard) network on 1 December 2018. The mobile industry progressed well after the first mobile phone call in 1973. Mobile Phones have shaped our world so that we cannot think. Most of the country wanted to apply the 5G network in 2020. 5G network will help to continue an extensive network. Although formal 5G standards are yet to finalize, 5G is expected to be at least three times faster than current 4G standards.

The physical coating changes might be the least densities. “5G is just another evolution of the ecosystem, using a wider range of frequencies, more fiber, bringing new entrants into the space, and enlarging the ecosystem,” said John GhirardelliAmerican Tower Corporation director.

The framework of FG Network:

5G has broadened this range to offer a wide range of wireless services delivered to the end user across multiple access platforms and multi-layer networks. 5G creates a dynamic, reasonable, and flexible framework of up to dated technologies to support various applications. 5G utilizes a more intelligent architecture, with Radio Access Networks (RANs) no longer constrained by base station proximity or complex infrastructure. 5G leads the way towards disaggregated, flexible, and virtual RAN, with new interfaces creating additional data access points.

The components of the 5G core architecture include:

 User plane Function (UPF) Data network (DN), e.g., operator services, Internet access, or 3rd party services. Core Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF).

Characteristics of 5G Network:

Extended Range 5G is the foundation of our nationwide 5G network and brings 5G service to big cities, rural towns, and more places. Our Extended Range 5G can deliver average download speeds 2X as fast as our LTE.

Now I will explain two characteristics of 5G:

(1):5G can be outstandingly faster than 4G, transport up to 20 Gigabits-per-second (Gbps) peak data rates and 100+ Megabits-per-second (Mbps) average data rates. 

(2) 5G has more speed than 4G internet. 5G is developed to support 100 times faster than 4G, increasing traffic capacity and network efficiency. 5G has lower latency than 4G.


· Low Band 5G. Low band range 5G is best understood as a blanket coating for nationwide coverage.

· Mid Band 5G. About six times speedy than 4G LTE, mid-band 5G is likely to be more available in major metropolitan areas of the United States. …

· Mm Wave High Band 5G.

Use of 5G network

5G upgrades its functionality and safety by lowering latency. It can support critical applications with significantly lower latency. Ultra-high reliability increases 5G availability so that technical applications and processes can ensure consistent network service availability.

Advantages of 5G Technology:

  • Better spectral efficiency.
  • High speed.
  • High capacity.
  • High bandwidth.
  • Tight network security.
  • High usability: anytime, anywhere, and any with technology.
  • Support for multimedia services with low transmission cost.
  • Low cost per bit.

5G technology comes with low latency, high speeds, and huge capacity, offering the potential to change what you experience with your mobile device and much more. 5G should help revolutionize industries and can provide an immediate impact on customer

The disadvantage of the 5G Network:

The downside of 5G technology is that it increases the risk of hacking, thus influencing cyber security. Moreover, the lack of encryption during the connection process makes the devices using 5G technology an easier target for cyber-attacks and data theft.

Security and privacy in 5G:

5G is one of the most critical challenges that 5G needs to protect personal information. 5G will have to set the security-related uncertainties and threats, including trust, privacy, and cyber security, which are growing across the globe.

Challenge of 5G Network

5G network development and infrastructure needed for 5G is in place, such as microcells, those giant towers, and masts already in use as telecommunications infrastructure

· Costs.

· 5G issues with backhaul

· Wave spectrum

· 5G security concerns.

5G networking developing ways in the Future:

5G can power technology well beyond what current mobile technology permits. Appreciation to its speed and bandwidth, 5G promises to make remarkable improvements in 3D holograms and virtual reality and increase reality, creating opportunities to connect people far beyond what current natural technology allows.

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