Home Latest News Noor Muqaddam: Unknown facts revealed of the heartbroken incident

Noor Muqaddam: Unknown facts revealed of the heartbroken incident

Noor Maqadam Unknown facts revealed of the heartbroken incident.
Noor Maqadam Unknown facts revealed of the heartbroken incident.

What happened to Noor Muqaddam..?

Noor Muqaddam: Unknown facts revealed of the heartbroken incident.

Background Story

Shaukat Muqaddam is a former officer of the Pakistan Navy. After retirement, he was Pakistan’s ambassador to South Korea and Kazakhstan. He has two daughters and a son. His second daughter’s name was Noor Muqaddam. Shook People have been terrified for five days that what happened to Noor?
Before coming here, I would like to introduce you to another family. In Pakistan, there is a big business group called Jaffar Brothers. These people do various businesses worth trillions of rupees. Abdul Qadir Jaffar, a brother of Jaffar Brothers He has also been a High Commissioner. His son Zakir Jaffer is also a billionaire. Zakir Jaffer’s business has spread to the UK and the US. The family lives in both Karachi and Islamabad. Zakir Jafar has two sons and a daughter and wife Ismat belong to the Adam G family. The eldest son of Zakir Jafar is named Zahir Zakir Jafar Is. Born in the United States, he studied in New Jersey, studied in London, and now lives in Pakistan.

There are nine causes of madness in the world. The first three causes are wealth, wealth, and wealth. Jafar was born with a golden spoon, so it has all the evil acts that are usually found in the rich. Arrogance, rudeness, oppression. One of my friends calls such young people pilots. Because these young people spend their parent’s money, so they are pilots. Jafar was also a pilot. He also used to spend his parents’ money day and night.

Noor’s Disappearance

Noor Muqaddam and Zahir Jaffar were friends. They were in a loving relationship. They used to hang out and eat and drink together. Families also know each other. Before EID on July 19, Noor Muqaddam vanished from the house. Shaukat Muqaddam contacted Zakir Jaffer and replied, “I am in Karachi. I found out, but Noor is not with Zahir.” The parents were worried. In the meantime, Noor’s phone rang, and he told his mother, “I have come to Lahore with friends. I will be back by tomorrow. My mother is satisfied.” Story on July 20 openly ‘she was not in Lahore’ she was in fact in her house with Jaffer and Zakir Jaffer (the boy’s father) had lied to Shaukat Muqaddam (the girl’s father).

At four o’clock on July 20, Noor and Zahir argued and Zahir started beating him. To save her life, Noor opened the lighthouse and jumped from the first floor. He also collided with the grill and was injured when she fell on the floor. There was a server and another watchman. These are young people. Noor fell on the floor in front of them and crawled towards the gate. She was begging the watchman to open the gate.

Jaffar came down the stairs quickly and dragged Noor back through the hair. He kept hitting his head on the stairs. It was an incident at 4:30 pm. The employees called and told Zahir’s father, & he ignored him. Zahir tortures Noor after that, & he stabbed her four times in the body. There was a big wound on her chest. She kept begging him, despite that, he kept cutting her body with a knife. Noor also tried video calls from his phone and made noise, but no one came to help her.

Zahir called his father and told him, “Noor is not marrying me. I am killing her. His father did not take it seriously.” The voices are coming, & the people are looking at the house. ‘The father said to the watchman,’ don’t worry. ‘We stop the story here and come to the therapy center.
In the F-7 sector of Islamabad, two brothers, Dilip Kumar and Wamiq Riaz have set up a rehabilitation center for upper-class children under the name of Therapy Center.

Zakir Jaffer called Wamiq Riaz and said in a very general tone, “Send someone to my house. Wamiq is soliciting with a girl there.” He says, “The father’s accent was so modest that even the doctor was surprised. However, the therapy center sent its team. Meanwhile, Zahir and Noor’s friends also reached his house.”
He was standing at the gate and talking to Zahir on the phone. The therapy center team asked Zahir to open the door. He refused & then the team leader Amjad went upstairs. He broke the window and went inside. He came to see the situation. There was blood all over the room while Noor’s head was far away from his body. Amjad called out to the team. Diya fired, but the bullet got stuck in the pistol. He then attacked Amjad with a knife. Zahir was tied up. ‘Neighbors were watching the chaos.’ A neighbor called the police, & then the police came in.

#justice for Noor!

Zahir’s Parent’s Reaction

So he also arrested Zakir Jaffer and his wife Ismat Adam Ji and also caught these two employees who would have saved the light even if they had made a little effort, informed the police, or called a neighbor. Zakir Jaffer and his wife Ismat Adam Ji tried their best to avoid arrest. They lined up lawyers even during remand, but this attempt failed because of the perseverance of the police and now the killer Zahir Jaffar Parents and employees are all in custody.
The Jaffar family is now trying to save the killer Zahir Jaffar by making him mentally ill and addicted. These people are deliberately spreading such news on social media, “He was also imprisoned, in the United States and he was expelled from London because of violence.” Etc. It was also found out when they found out about Noor’s murder. They tried to make Zahir Jaffar a psychiatrist in collaboration with the therapy center. “The police could not enter the house,” he said.
Look at the trick. It gives the same answer to every question of the police. I am an American citizen. Pakistani laws do not apply to me and you can ask me through my lawyer. It is not stating the police. And they have also started making reports of his mental imbalance.
How long will we continue to endure this cruelty? How long will the girls continue to be killed in such a brutal manner? The whole Nation wants to punish Zahir Jaffar severely. Now it remains to be seen whether justice will prevail or money will be squandered.

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